Abstract submission has been closed.  In case of any question or request, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Travel Grants

Meeting attendees who have submitted a scientific abstract are eligible for travel grants. We would particularly invite students, post docs and early career scientists to apply. In order to be eligible for a travel grant, please upload your CV during the abstract submission process. Information about the assignment of travel grants will be sent together with the abstract notifications.

Notification of travel grants: Monday, September 11, 2023




Abstract Submission Guidelines


Abstract Format

  • Language:  English
  • Title:          max. 25 words
  • Length:      max. 300 words
  • Structure:  no structure required


Deadline of Submission

The abstract submission has been closed.

  • Regular Abstract Submission Deadline :                        Monday, September 4, 2023
  • Notifications:                                                                        Monday, September 11, 2023
  • Registration Deadline for Abstract Submitters:           Sunday, September 17, 2023

Abstract submitters of late-breaking abstracts have to register as soon as they receive a notification (approx. 1-2 weeks after submission).


Format, Content and Structure

  • Titles should be concise (max. 25 words).
  • Capital letters should be used for acronyms only (e.g. CRC).
  • Maximum length of 300 words of the abstract body  (excl. title and spaces).
  • Abstracts must be carefully checked for errors and misspellings before submission. Abstracts in poor English will be rejected.
  • No more than 20 authors including their affiliations (one per author) can be named per abstract. Study groups can also provide their group name.
  • Every submitted abstract has to name a presenting author who agrees to be the contact person for this abstract and who is actually presenting the poster of the abstract on-site (see obligations for abstract authors/submitters below).
  • Please do not include tables, figures or references in the abstract.


Obligations for authors/submitters

  • Content of my abstract:
    The submitters/authors have to own the rights to the content presented in the abstract, or have to obtain permission from previously published work, which is properly acknowledged in the abstract.
  • Copyright:
    The standard SID/JID copyright form allows authors to retain rights to their work.
  • Publication:
    In submitting an abstract the authors have to agree that the abstract will be published in a supplement of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
  • Presentation:
    The submitter or one author has to present the abstract at the conference in case it is accepted. Abstracts that are not accepted for oral presentations will be considered for poster presentations automatically.



If you have any questions, please get in contact with

Eva Feichtenschlager 

Mondial Congress & Events
Mondial GmbH & Co. KG
Operngasse 20b, 1040 Vienna, Austria
t +43 1 58804-245, f -185